Painting Workshop-Retreat, Oregon Coast, May 2023

The Oregon Coast:  painting workshop, May 11-14, 2023

25 April 2023

Four day retreat and gouache painting workshop on the Oregon coast.

Workshop & Painting Retreat

I invite you to join me on the Oregon coast for this four day retreat and gouache painting workshop, May 11-14, 2023.

Give yourself time to paint. Nurture your creativity with the company of fellow artists. Come for art, fun, relaxation and enjoyment.  

Make new art friends. Soak up the negative ions in the coast air, and energize your spirit.  details...

I've spent so many happy hours painting and sketching in the mid-coast area around the charming and friendly town of Yachats. There's always something new to discover. The light is dramatic, luscious, dreamy or mysterious, no matter what the weather. The ocean is alive with change. Nothing stays the same, except the heartbeat of the ocean itself. 

This extraordinarily paintable coastal region is known for its drama and the amazing forest and sea ecosystems stretching along its expanse. Sandy beaches, rock formations, sea caves, dunes, and miles of beach provide exquisite views and extraordinary moments of light and color.  I hope you can join us.

    Register now

    Julia O'Reilly